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Results for tag: design

Showing results 11-13 of 13 sorted by
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Designs on Britain Exhibition

- Wednesday, 8th November 2017
In Penguin Points [PC88] members were alerted to an exhibition Designs on Britain which is now running at The Jewish Museum in Camden Town.


Alan Aldridge 1938 - 2017

- Tuesday, 21st March 2017
I suspect that most members will have seen news of the death of Alan Aldridge. The broadsheet newspapers have, justifiably, devoted many column inches to his life and work and James Mackay will include a short piece in the upcoming Collector.In particular, I would draw members' attention ...


Why do the PCS Publications vary in size and format?

- Friday, 8th July 2016
The size and format of each book is judged entirely according to what is appropriate for the book in question.
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