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Penguin Collector 91

‘Penguin Collector 91’ is in the post, hooray!
Its major articles include one by the late Peter Mayer, the second giant of Penguin, on his time leading the company from 1978 to 1995, and a splendid obituary of him written specially for us by Tony Lacey; a memoir of the life in publishing of Oliver Caldecott, an editor at Harmondsworth in Allen Lane’s last years; and a fully-illustrated piece by Andrew Nash on the cover designs of the successive Penguin editions of the novels of Muriel Spark. Shorter pieces follow on the Penguin on Swedish architecture, on a Pelican which never hatched, and on a Green Crime Penguin which might itself be guilty of murder. Then there is a fine crop of brief points, noting the eightieth anniversary of the Illustrated Classics, ranging from Penguins in wartime to Penguins in art, from Elizabeth Friedlander to Lady Chatterley, and from Paris in 1968 to Henry Eliot’s fine new ‘Penguin Classics Book’. Issue 91 concludes with a lively report on the Annual Meeting held at Reading in October, which those who were there will enjoy as much as those who couldn't be.

Posted on Tuesday, 18th December 2018