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PCS Visit to the London Library

On World Penguin Day, 25th April, a group from PCS visited the London Library. Founded in 1841 it is essentially a lending library; members can check out and take home from its store of books (a million of those) and periodicals - anything from a newly-published novel to a first edition of David Copperfield or a copy of The Strand Magazine.

Its six floors of stacks are built so that the shelves – open-access, made for browsing – support the metal grille floors. If the books were removed, the building would rise by several centimetres!

Thanks to Julian Lloyd for leading a tour of this wonderland and to Helen O'Neill who assembled items from the Library's archives to show its links with literary giants, with a focus on PCS interests. We saw the joining form of John Lane (Allen's father) and editions from his publication, The Yellow Book, with beautiful Beardsley covers.


With thanks to Victoria Love for this report and pictures.

Posted on Tuesday, 25th April 2017